The Key to Getting Unstuck

Introduction from Josh: I have known of Jesse for years now, but only got to know him well in the last year or so. He was the lead pastor at the local church we attend. However, he is definitely not your average pastor! Born in Tucson, Arizona and lived there until he was 10. The … Read more

Getting a Run Down Restaurant to Turn a Profit

Lunch at the Restaurant

This is the first post in a series: Maccas to Million$ – A mini-series of lessons learned from McDonald’s and how it helped us buy, fix and sell the Silverspoon – A local restaurant that was about to close its doors. Find out more about the series here. Our First Accountant Our first accountant was … Read more

Lessons from 2018

Lessons from 2018:   Looking back, there were numerous times throughout the year that I felt I was going around in circles. I felt flat, and it was like mentally a thick fog had rolled in. I couldn’t even see the next step to take. It’s interesting because when I sit and write a list of … Read more

Lessons from 2017

Lessons from 2017: I struggled to write down a list of lessons for 2017. At the start of the year I had a really clear list of things I wanted to achieve that year, like sell the spoon, pay off debts, etc. At the end of the year, I had achieved most of it and … Read more

Lessons from 2016

Lessons from 2016   I was going to turn down Kiwi Homes! Why? Because of fear of failure and uncertainty about the role and doing it on my own.” I am so glad I gave it a shot.   Look for “Win-Win-Wins;” with projects this year, I have asked “what does a win look like … Read more

Lessons from 2015

Lessons from 2015: At the time, I had just finished a massive renovation at home. After about a year of owning Victoria St, we got plans drawn to make some changes, mainly to the kitchen, bathroom and living. I vividly remember a point shortly after the initial demolition. I was standing on one side of the … Read more